Saturday, August 17, 2013

Three types of Karma


There are three kinds of Karma that act always on every Human being , they are the Past Karma [Sanchitha Karma], the Present Karma [Prarabdha Karma] and the Future [Aagami] Karma,
Past Karma[Sanchitha Karma]:
This karma belongs to our past lives, regarding to our sins and divinity [i.e.bad activities and good activities], which is stored in our astral chord [it starts from the place of Brahma randhra of every soul] and we take birth according to our sins and divinity.

Present Karma[Prarabdha Karma]:
We can not face all our past sins and divinity in one life. So we take so many lives on this earth and workout our karma in parts. In each and every life we face a little bit of additional karma and that is called Prarabdha Karma. This karma is caused by every actions and emotions in our present life.

Future [Aagami] Karma:
What we are facing karma in this life is a little bit of karma only, remaining karma is yet to be face d in our forth coming lives and that karma is called Aagami Karma. If we don't have any aagami karma and it means that we have already faced prarabdha and sanchitha karma and we longer need to come back to this earth again from higher planes ,i.e. is Moksha.

             One who is having karma [what ever type it may be] he has to come back on this earth because his frequencies [karmas]  are tuned by the earth to act or react accordingly. Where he is created, there only he has to face the karma, that means when a soul accumulates karma on this earth it should face its karma on this earth only. That is why the soul has to come back on this earth again and again as long as it is cleaned of all his karmas on this earth. Then only he will get the salvation or Moksha [freedom from birth and death].

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